How to roll-out perfect slabs? – Ceramics by Jas

How to roll-out perfect slabs?

Rolling out a perfectly uniform slab is a key skill for success in hand-building.
I can't tell you, how much improving this one step in my process, improved my overall output. And when I say uniform, I mean a slab which has the same thickness all over.
A uniform thickness throughout your slab reduces the likelihood of warping and cracking during drying and firing. Uneven slab means uneven drying- wherever the clay is thicker, it'll dry slower as compared to the thinner parts which can result in warping or cracking. Having a uniform thickness slab provides a stable base for your pottery, ensuring that the final piece retains its intended form. Not only this, When all parts of your slab are the same thickness, it becomes easier to shape and mold without the risk of accidentally pushing the clay more than it can take. Whether you're making bowls, plates, or mugs, a uniform slab gives you better control over the form. And in my opinion, uniform slabs also contribute to the overall visual appeal of your pottery- The finished piece appears more polished and professional, reflecting a level of craftsmanship in your work.
How to roll out a uniform slab
Now, of course, if you have a slab roller, its fairly easy to get a slab with uniform thickness. But if you are just starting out or like me, who likes a bit of arm workout, rolling out a uniform slab with hands isn't that complicated.
A few things to note before rolling-
  • Use a table which is stable and slightly lower than your waist height so you can easily put downward pressure and stretch out your hands while rolling
  • Make sure you roll out your clay on an absorbent surface like an unpolished wooden board or a piece of canvas cloth or a thick piece of cloth like a cotton sheet. This is to make sure that the clay doesn't stick to the surface while rolling.
  • Cut your clay block into smaller chunks so its easier to roll. I usually slice my 10 kg clay block using a wire tool into 7-8 smaller chunks before rolling. So each clay block gives me 7-8 slabs of clay.
  • Another tip- You can rollout a full bag of clay in one go and store it with plastic sheets in between the slabs. Make sure that the slabs are covered from all sides and these will be good to use for weeks.
Tools you need for rolling out a uniform slab:
  • Two measuring sticks with the same thickness. I have these in a couple of different widths but 0.25 inch thickness is a good place to start. I buy mine from a local art & craft store. Here's the amazon link for easy access.
  • A rolling pin- I use a huge wooden rolling pin I found on amazon. The bigger the rolling pin barrel, the broader your slab can be.
How to roll?
To roll, place the two measuring sticks on the two sides of the clay block. Make sure the centre barrel of the rolling pin is wide enough so it can rest and roll on the 2 measuring sticks, like a train track. This is the key to a uniform slab. If it falls off one the sticks, you'll get an uneven slab. Keeping the clay in the centre, give a couple of rolls in one direction, then pick your slab with both hands, turn in the opposite direction and roll again. Keep lifting and turning the clay slab every few rolls till your clay stops stretching any further and your rolling pin barrel touches the two measuring sticks on the side. When your clay stretches no more, you know you have a perfectly rolled out slab!
Its a fairly simple process but extremely important for a successful hand-built piece.

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